Dec 9, 2023
In Episode 82, we discuss how to volunteer correctly. What are local unions, churches, non-profits, community groups, and candidates for office looking for? Why is there such a shortage of genuinely reliable individuals? What steps can we take to be invaluable? Listen in to identify what traits top organizations...
Dec 2, 2023
In this episode, we discuss travel perks: those travel loyalty programs and the rewards offered to regular customers. A lot of traveling is done for the labor movement. It's nice to be able to catch a few breaks along the way. Look for brand consistency and reliability first. Does the company offer a credit card for...
Nov 18, 2023
In Episode 80, we discuss visualization to achieve outstanding results. Meet organizing, career goals, and New Year's Resolutions with the help of visual reminders to stay on track. Focus your research and gather information to solidify planning. The host discusses how visualization helped him visit the most remote...
Oct 27, 2023
Episode 79 discusses what workers should say at a captive audience meeting. This question was posed to a group of organizers. Answers varied, but the host says it might be a good idea to be tight-lipped to prevent backlash by management. Watch for coercion and intimidation. Workers should know and protect...
Oct 12, 2023
Episode 78 discusses tips union organizers use to improve their travel experience. It all starts at home with correct planning. Pack like a pro by cutting down on size, weight, and unnecessary extras. Speed through security checks and keep an eye on your luggage at all times. Avoid some of the problems experienced...