Oct 28, 2019
The answer is in the numbers. How many workers are in the unit? How many workers showed up to the meeting? How many cards have been signed? Is support increasing or decreasing? Look to the numbers to find out. Don't rely on gut feelings alone. Measure success like a business does. Avoid waiting too long to assess...
Oct 21, 2019
In this episode, we discuss the need for union organizers like yourself to master public speaking. What skills are needed? What bad habits are holding you back? What has worked well in this country and others? How can you avoid common mistakes? Where can you practice? How can you create an environment for union...
Oct 14, 2019
In this episode, we discuss how to stand out when being evaluated for an organizer position. How to rank higher in evaluations. What are they looking for? What to avoid, and how to arrive ready to rock and roll. What are some details others might have missed? What pitfalls have caused others trouble? Know another union...
Oct 2, 2019
In this episode we discuss ways union members can assist in organizing. Why you should start an internal organizing committee. Which organizing books can help you in your career and one to avoid. Are these titles in your organizing library? Listen to find out, then tell your friends!